Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Homework: Tuesday, 20 March 2007

For today homework I would like you to:

1. Read the article " Blueprint for Behavior Book Says 'Parents Just Play Genetic Part in Personality'”

2. Once you have read it once, read again and write one or two sentences summarizing the main point(s) of each paragraph.

3. Continue until you have finished the article.

'Volunteers' will be randomly chosen on Thursday to 'share' their summaries.

p.s. a sample summary and layout suggestion is contained on the last page of the power presentation posted below.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dr. Simon, This's a good homework but I think that,Sammary paragraph by paragraph won't give a consistent abstract at the end.Because it's an argumentative exchange betwen parts. We could may be try idea by idea....