Saturday, March 10, 2007

An 'Odd' StoryMan Saws House In Two In Divorce Split

I thought I might start sharing the odd [to be understood both in the sense of being 'unusual' and 'occasional'] news story . Todays story come from Reuters. Advanced writing students may note that the author has chose to include a conversational element in the story. Do you think it works?

BERLIN - A 43-year-old German decided to settle his imminent divorce by chain sawing a family home in two and making off with his half in a forklift truck.

Police in the eastern town of Sonneberg said on Friday the trained mason measured the single-story summer house — which was some 8 meters (26 feet) long and 6 meters wide — before chain sawing through the wooden roof and walls.

"The man said he was just taking his due," said a police spokesman. "But I don't think his wife was too pleased."

After finishing the job, the man picked up his half with the forklift truck and drove to his brother's house, where he has since been staying.

Reuters. Updated: 11:55 a.m. ET March 10, 2007

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