
As noted at the beginning of the semester and again last week the last three weeks of this semester will be taken up with presentations. The ‘writing in science component’ focus of these presentations will be on the PowerPoint Presentation .
Each of you will be given 12 minutes to present and another 3 minutes will be set aside for questions. If possible, I’d like you to give me a copy of the PowerPoint on the day you give your presentation. We will try and enforce time fairly strictly so you will have to ensure that you stick fairly close to the time limit.
The topic of your presentation is up to you. It could for example be on:
- a current research activity
- your laboratory
- your Undergraduate University
- your discipline or sub-discipline
- an issue in Science policy
The only proviso is that the topic be related to Science
Finally, while we will deal with this later when we look at the genre of PowerPoint's, it is worth while remembering that for this presentation you will be talking in English to an audience who while for the most part are scientifically literate are not by any means experts in your field and do not, for the most part, have English as their first language
taskz, wk9