Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Additional Readings:Formal Letters & Statements of Purpose

Find below links to some additional readings for Week 12.
Formal Letters:
3. Letter Writing [Hornbill]
Statements of Purpose
1. The Statement of Purpose [statementofpurpose.com]
3. Writing a Winnning Statement of Purpose [San Jose State University ]
wk11, readingz


Lecture Summaries:Formal Letters & Statements of Purpose

Please find below links to the Lecture Summaries for Week 12:
Lecture 1: Formal Letters
wk12, summariez

Monday, November 24, 2008

Powerpoint Presentations 12:Formal Letters & Statements of Purpose

Find below links to the Powerpoint Presentations for Week 12:
Lecture 1: Formal Letters
wk12, powerpointz

Additonal Readings 11:Conference Posters & Powerpoints

Please find belo some links to some additional reading material for week 11:
Conference Posters:
1. Design Gallery - Conference Posters [Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne]
3. Tips on Preparing a Conference Poster [Wisconsin Tobacco Control Board]
1. Making PowerPoint Slides. Avoiding the Pitfalls of Bad Slides. [International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED)]
4. Top Ten Slide Tips [Garr Reynolds]
wk11, readingz

Lecture Summaries 11:Conference Posters & Powerpoints

Please find below links to the Lecture Summaries for Week 11:
Lecture 2: Powerpoints
summariez, wk11

Powerpoint Presentations 11:Conference Posters & Powerpoints

Please find below links to Powerpoint presentations for Week 11:
Lecture 2: Powerpoints
wk11, powerpoints

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Assessment Task 3:Presentation Timetables

Please find below copies of the timetables for the Presentations in weeks 13 to 15.
If your name is not on the timetable, please let me know by email which of the avialable times left you would prefer.

I'll try and update the timetables every couple of days.
taskz, wk10

Class 1

Class 2

Additional Readings 10Literature & Book Reviews

Please find below links to some additonal reading material for Week 10:
Literature Reviews:
1. How to Write a Literature Review [Birmingham University]

Book Reviews:
1. Writing the Review [National Academic Advising Association]
readingz, wk10

Lecture Summaries 10:Literature & Book Reviews

Please find below links to the Lecture Summaries for week 10:

Lecture 1: Literature Reviews
Lecture 2: Book Reviews
Webpage Link: emails
summariez, wk10

Powerpoint PresentationsLiterature & Book Reviews

Please find below links to the PowerPoint Presentations for Week 10:
powerpointz, wk10

Assessment Task 3:Class Presentation

As noted at the beginning of the semester and again last week the last three weeks of this semester will be taken up with presentations. The ‘writing in science component’ focus of these presentations will be on the PowerPoint Presentation .

Each of you will be given 12 minutes to present and another 3 minutes will be set aside for questions. If possible, I’d like you to give me a copy of the PowerPoint on the day you give your presentation. We will try and enforce time fairly strictly so you will have to ensure that you stick fairly close to the time limit.

The topic of your presentation is up to you. It could for example be on:

  • a current research activity
  • your laboratory
  • your Undergraduate University
  • your discipline or sub-discipline
  • an issue in Science policy
The only proviso is that the topic be related to Science

Finally, while we will deal with this later when we look at the genre of PowerPoint's, it is worth while remembering that for this presentation you will be talking in English to an audience who while for the most part are scientifically literate are not by any means experts in your field and do not, for the most part, have English as their first language
taskz, wk9

Monday, November 3, 2008

Additional Readings 9Acknowledgments & Tables

Please find below links to some additional readings for Week 9:

1. 'Acknowledgements Guide'! [Instytut Filologii Angielskiej]
2. Writing Dissertation Acknowledgements [yourdissertation.com]
Tables etc..
1. Point form, tables, graphs and charts [NSW Dept. Ed, Australia]
2. Quality of Graphs in Scientific Journals: An Exploratory Study [Eileen K Schofield]
wk9, readingz

Lecture Summaries 9:Acknowledgments & Tables

Please find below links to the Lecture Summaries for Week 9:

Lecture Summary 1: Acknowledgments
Lecture Summary 2: Tables
wk9, summariez

Powerpoint Presentations 9:Acknowledgements & Tables

Please find below links to the Powepoint Presentations for Week 9:

Lecture 1: Acknowledgements
Lecture 2: Table
wk9, Powerpointz