Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Lecture Summaries 3:Titles & Abstracts

Please find below links to the Lecture Summaries for week 3
Lecture 1: Titles
Lecture 2: Abstracts
wk3, summariez

Assessment Task 1:Author Blurb

Write an 'author blurb' about yourself.
The blurb should:
1. be between 100 and 150 words.
2. contain and the information about your qualifications and where they were obtained
3. conclude with your email address.

Copies of the blurbs will be put up on the web page.
If you'd like to read up on author blurbs, see for example:
1. How to write an Authur Blurb [The Penguin Blog]
2. Writing Great Blurbs [Mayra Calvani]

Powerpoint Presentations 3:Titles & Abstracts

Please find below links to the Powerpoint Presentations for Week 2.

Lecture 1: Titles

Lecture 2: Abstracts
wk3, powerpointz

Additional Reading 3:Titles & Abstracts

Please find below links to some additonal material on the topics for Week 3.


1. Science Fair Abstract [Science Buddies]
2. Abstract [Wikipedia]
3. Abstracts[BioMed Central]
4. Abstract Section [Dodd, J.S]
5. Abstracts [University of North Carolina]

Monday, September 8, 2008

Lecture Summaries 1:Introductions & Definitions

Please find below links to the Lecture Summaries for Week 1.
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Definitions
summariez, wk1

Powerpoint Presentations 1:Introductions & Definitions

Please find below links to Powerpoint Presentations for Week 1.
Lecture 1: Introductions
Lecture 2: Definitions
powerpointz, wk1

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Welcome From Simon:07 September 2008

Welcome to the blogspot for Science Writing in English at the Korea Advanced Institute of cience and Technology [KAIST] located in the Korean city of Daejeon. The aim of this blogsite is - in addition to providing copies of the powerpoints and lecture summaries of each learning session / lecture - to provide you links to resources from the internet related to each topic covered during th course of the semester. Spend a little time navigating around the site to see what is avaible. You can also check in the left hand collumn to see links to the posting for past writing courses. For now, all that is left me to do is to say "Welcome" again and to wish that you have a great semester.
messagez, wk1