Dear Friends,
Hope all is well. I'm just writing to let you know that I have taken advantage of the mid-term exam week 'break' to tidy up the blog spot and finally get around to writing up the summaries of each of the 14 lectures/learning sessions we have had so far.
You can find these located under the heading "Lecture Summaries" in the side bar to the left under the heading
Blog Elements and in the list of postings for each week that can also be located in the side bar to the left under the heading
"Posting by the Week" To make things a little bit easier I've also made a pdf file which has collected all 14 summaries together which can be found at the end of this message.
I've also managed to tidy up [although not edit to any great extent] each of the PowerPoints presentations for each of the lectures and these can be found in new pdf files for each of the lectures which can again be found again under the heading "PowerPoint Presentations" in the side bar to the left under the heading
Blog Elements and also under the collection of postings for each week that can also be located in the side bar at the left under the heading
Posting by the Week.
Thanks for all of you who have sent me preferred dates for your seminar presentations. I am still waiting for some people to provide theirs. I am also still waiting for some blurbs [bad people!!!] and will start writing some emails if I don;t get them soon. I am hoping that the Abstracts will begin to come in at the end of next week and I'll give you the details of what I want both in class and here on the blog during the course of this week.
The final thing of want to mention is that I will be redoing the photos for the purpose of the seminar series this Thursday so hurry out to your plastic surgeons, hairstylists and make-up artists and make yourself beautiful.
For now, be good and happy, best wishes,
p.s. the photo is of me aged 1.
pdf file of Lecture Summaries Weeks 1 to 7messsim