Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Additional Readings:Formal Letters & Statements of Purpose

Find below links to some additional readings for Week 12.
Formal Letters:
3. Letter Writing [Hornbill]
Statements of Purpose
1. The Statement of Purpose [statementofpurpose.com]
3. Writing a Winnning Statement of Purpose [San Jose State University ]
wk11, readingz


Lecture Summaries:Formal Letters & Statements of Purpose

Please find below links to the Lecture Summaries for Week 12:
Lecture 1: Formal Letters
wk12, summariez

Monday, November 24, 2008

Powerpoint Presentations 12:Formal Letters & Statements of Purpose

Find below links to the Powerpoint Presentations for Week 12:
Lecture 1: Formal Letters
wk12, powerpointz

Additonal Readings 11:Conference Posters & Powerpoints

Please find belo some links to some additional reading material for week 11:
Conference Posters:
1. Design Gallery - Conference Posters [Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne]
3. Tips on Preparing a Conference Poster [Wisconsin Tobacco Control Board]
1. Making PowerPoint Slides. Avoiding the Pitfalls of Bad Slides. [International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED)]
4. Top Ten Slide Tips [Garr Reynolds]
wk11, readingz

Lecture Summaries 11:Conference Posters & Powerpoints

Please find below links to the Lecture Summaries for Week 11:
Lecture 2: Powerpoints
summariez, wk11

Powerpoint Presentations 11:Conference Posters & Powerpoints

Please find below links to Powerpoint presentations for Week 11:
Lecture 2: Powerpoints
wk11, powerpoints

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Assessment Task 3:Presentation Timetables

Please find below copies of the timetables for the Presentations in weeks 13 to 15.
If your name is not on the timetable, please let me know by email which of the avialable times left you would prefer.

I'll try and update the timetables every couple of days.
taskz, wk10

Class 1

Class 2

Additional Readings 10Literature & Book Reviews

Please find below links to some additonal reading material for Week 10:
Literature Reviews:
1. How to Write a Literature Review [Birmingham University]

Book Reviews:
1. Writing the Review [National Academic Advising Association]
readingz, wk10

Lecture Summaries 10:Literature & Book Reviews

Please find below links to the Lecture Summaries for week 10:

Lecture 1: Literature Reviews
Lecture 2: Book Reviews
Webpage Link: emails
summariez, wk10

Powerpoint PresentationsLiterature & Book Reviews

Please find below links to the PowerPoint Presentations for Week 10:
powerpointz, wk10

Assessment Task 3:Class Presentation

As noted at the beginning of the semester and again last week the last three weeks of this semester will be taken up with presentations. The ‘writing in science component’ focus of these presentations will be on the PowerPoint Presentation .

Each of you will be given 12 minutes to present and another 3 minutes will be set aside for questions. If possible, I’d like you to give me a copy of the PowerPoint on the day you give your presentation. We will try and enforce time fairly strictly so you will have to ensure that you stick fairly close to the time limit.

The topic of your presentation is up to you. It could for example be on:

  • a current research activity
  • your laboratory
  • your Undergraduate University
  • your discipline or sub-discipline
  • an issue in Science policy
The only proviso is that the topic be related to Science

Finally, while we will deal with this later when we look at the genre of PowerPoint's, it is worth while remembering that for this presentation you will be talking in English to an audience who while for the most part are scientifically literate are not by any means experts in your field and do not, for the most part, have English as their first language
taskz, wk9

Monday, November 3, 2008

Additional Readings 9Acknowledgments & Tables

Please find below links to some additional readings for Week 9:

1. 'Acknowledgements Guide'! [Instytut Filologii Angielskiej]
2. Writing Dissertation Acknowledgements [yourdissertation.com]
Tables etc..
1. Point form, tables, graphs and charts [NSW Dept. Ed, Australia]
2. Quality of Graphs in Scientific Journals: An Exploratory Study [Eileen K Schofield]
wk9, readingz

Lecture Summaries 9:Acknowledgments & Tables

Please find below links to the Lecture Summaries for Week 9:

Lecture Summary 1: Acknowledgments
Lecture Summary 2: Tables
wk9, summariez

Powerpoint Presentations 9:Acknowledgements & Tables

Please find below links to the Powepoint Presentations for Week 9:

Lecture 1: Acknowledgements
Lecture 2: Table
wk9, Powerpointz

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Assement Task 2:Abstract

For your second Assessment Task, I’d like you to provide an abstract for an article for a journal or a conference. The details with respect to the format and length of the abstract should be taken from the ‘advice for authors’ section which is usually contained on the journal / conference homepage.

In order to find this information first go to the home page of the journal [or conference] and once there, click on the advice to authors button [[in the case of journals it is usually located in either the left or right hand column]. Once there, stroll down to find the information related to the format of the abstract.

If you are having any trouble locating a journal . You can go to http://www.science/direct.com [a link to which can be found on simon’s writingroom.blogspot.com and look for a journal related to your field.
taskz, wk7

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Additional Readings 7:The Discussion

Please find below some links to some addition reading for the theme: "The Discussion"

1. Writing up Research: Discussion [AIT, Bangkok]
2. Browns Plan [anon]
3. Communicative moves in the discussion section of research articles [Matthew Peacock]
4. Genre analysis, and the social sciences: An investigation of the structure of research article discussion sections in three disciplines [Richard Holmes]
5. Discussion [Kim Kastens et al, Columbia University]

addreadz, wk7

Lecture Summaries 7:The Discussion

Please find below links to the Lecture Summaries for Week 7:

Lecture Summary 1: The Discussion [i]
Lecture Summary 2: The Discussion [ii]

wk7, summariez

Powerpoint Presentation 7:The Discussion

Please find below links to the Powerpoint Presentations for Week 7:

Lecture 1: The Discusssion [i]
Lecture 2: The Discusssion [ii]

wk7, powerpointz

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Message from Simon:Sunday 12th October 2008

Dear fellow learner, hope all is going well. I'm just writing to let you know that I am in the process of posting the summary sheets for each of the lectures we have had so far. These can be obtained under the heading 'Summaries' a link to which can be found in the 'Blog Elements' list located in the column on the left of the blog. I also want to let you know that from this week I will be posting some issues of various science and science related magazines . I have previously posted information and links to the websites of many of these magazines [see here] but over the next couple of weeks will post sample of the magazines themseleves in pdf format ['Blog Elements' link: Magazines]. Also check out the photos and blurbs which I will be posting on the Science at KAIST: 2 blogspot over the next couple of days. For now, however, best wishes, be good and happy,

wk6, messagez

Additional Readings 6:The Results

Please find below some links to some addition readings for the theme: "The Results"
readingz, wk6

Lecture Summaries 6:The Results

Please find below links to the Lecture Summaries for Week 6:
Lecture 1: The Results [i]
Lecture 2: The Results [ii]
wk6, summariez

Powerpoint Presentations 6:The Results

Please find below links to the Powerpoint Presentations for Week 6:
Lecture 1: The Results [i]
Lecture 2: The Results [ii]
wk6, powerpointz

Additional Readings 5:Material & Methods

Please find below some links to some addition readings for the theme of Week 5: Material & Methods.
wk5, readingz

Lecture Summaries 5:The Methods & Materials

Please find below links to the Lecture Summaries for Week 5:
wk5, summariez

Powerpoint Presentations 5:Methods & Materials

Please find below links to the Powerpoint Presentations for Week 5.
wk5, powerpointz

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Lecture Summaries 3:Titles & Abstracts

Please find below links to the Lecture Summaries for week 3
Lecture 1: Titles
Lecture 2: Abstracts
wk3, summariez

Assessment Task 1:Author Blurb

Write an 'author blurb' about yourself.
The blurb should:
1. be between 100 and 150 words.
2. contain and the information about your qualifications and where they were obtained
3. conclude with your email address.

Copies of the blurbs will be put up on the web page.
If you'd like to read up on author blurbs, see for example:
1. How to write an Authur Blurb [The Penguin Blog]
2. Writing Great Blurbs [Mayra Calvani]

Powerpoint Presentations 3:Titles & Abstracts

Please find below links to the Powerpoint Presentations for Week 2.

Lecture 1: Titles

Lecture 2: Abstracts
wk3, powerpointz

Additional Reading 3:Titles & Abstracts

Please find below links to some additonal material on the topics for Week 3.


1. Science Fair Abstract [Science Buddies]
2. Abstract [Wikipedia]
3. Abstracts[BioMed Central]
4. Abstract Section [Dodd, J.S]
5. Abstracts [University of North Carolina]

Monday, September 8, 2008

Lecture Summaries 1:Introductions & Definitions

Please find below links to the Lecture Summaries for Week 1.
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Definitions
summariez, wk1

Powerpoint Presentations 1:Introductions & Definitions

Please find below links to Powerpoint Presentations for Week 1.
Lecture 1: Introductions
Lecture 2: Definitions
powerpointz, wk1

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Welcome From Simon:07 September 2008

Welcome to the blogspot for Science Writing in English at the Korea Advanced Institute of cience and Technology [KAIST] located in the Korean city of Daejeon. The aim of this blogsite is - in addition to providing copies of the powerpoints and lecture summaries of each learning session / lecture - to provide you links to resources from the internet related to each topic covered during th course of the semester. Spend a little time navigating around the site to see what is avaible. You can also check in the left hand collumn to see links to the posting for past writing courses. For now, all that is left me to do is to say "Welcome" again and to wish that you have a great semester.
messagez, wk1

Monday, April 28, 2008

Science Article of the Week 10: Stiction Nanotubes Mimic Van Der Waals Adhesion In Geckos

Nanotubes are the big hope for the first decade of the 21st century. They offer promise to produce a new class of composite materials that are stronger than conventional composites for ue in aircraft and vehicles. Now researchers at Purdue University say they can precisely measure the forces required to peel tiny nanotubes off of other materials, opening up the possibility of creating standards for nano-manufacturing and harnessing a gecko's ability to walk up walls. Scientific Blogging 28 April 2008

Online Science 'Journal': Scientific Blogging

Scientific Blogging! is a Science 2.0 community and big believers in open science. As a result they encourage people to jump right in and start writing. The reason they are an open science community because they believe that science is important and the better educated people are, the greater their impact on policy. By using their science gets directly into the hands of people. They don't tell anyone what to write, they don't hand pick the writers because they agree with any ideology ther have, they don't demand that you already be popular before you can write on the blog. If you have science knowledge, they want you to share it When you sign up, you have one of two options - columnist and registered member. Registered members can vote up articles they like, leave comments, write their own blogs and use the chat functions. Columnists do all that and can write feature articles that appear on the front page. They also have featured authors but you can't become one of those until you have been around for a while.

To check it out go

PowerPoint Presentations: 10:2 PowerPoint Presentations

Please find below links to copies of the Lecture Summary for Lesson 2, Week 10 on PowerPoint Presentations

Lecture Summary 10:2 - PowerPoint Presentations

Lecture Summary: 10:2 Powerpoint Presentations

Please find below links to copies of the pdf files for Lesson 2, Week 10 on PowerPoint Presentation

Lecture PowerPoint 10:2 - PowerPoint Presentations

Lecture Summary: 10:1 Conference Posters

Please find below links to copies of the Lecture Summary for Lesson 1, Week 10 on Conference Posters

Lecture Summary 10:1 - Conference Posters

PowerPoint Presentations: 10:1 Conference Posters

Please find below link to the pdf file of the PowerPoint Presentation for Lesson 2, Week 10 on Conference Posters.

PowerPoint Presentation 10:2 - Conference Posters

Science Article of the Week: Avoiding Pedestrians With the Help of Lasers

Hanyoung Lee wants you to be seen. The South Korea-based product designer devised a prototypical warning device to prevent pedestrian strikes along roadway crosswalks. It's called the Virtual Wall, a visual barrier created from plasma laser beams. The system casts larger-than-life images of pedestrians in eye-grabbing red across the roadway, at a location where such peds are likely to be crossing. Popular Science 28 April 2008

To read more go here

Online Science Journal: Popular Science

Popular Science has been a leading source of science and technology news since its inception way back in 1872. PopSci.com first came online in 1999, and in 2008 they launched their biggest redesign yet: a new site built in Drupal that’s easy to navigate and chock-full of exciting daily content. The staff at PopSci.com believe that the new layout is also highly customizable, so finding the content you're interested in is a breeze. The whole site is organized by keywords, so for instance, if you click the "robot" tag, you'll see only articles about robots. You can also search in the traditional way, or use our channel buttons to instantly sort content by category. And the latest stories about the topics that interest you most can be sent right to your newsreader with our custom RSS feeds.

To read go here

Lecture Summary: 9:2 Book Reviews

Please find below links to copies of the Lecture Summary for Lesson 2, Week 9 on Book Reviews

Lecture Summary 8:2 - Book Reviews

PowerPoint Presentation: 9:2 Book Reviews

Please find below links to pdf files of the PowerPoint presentation for Lesson 2, Week 9 on Book Reviews

PowerPoint Presentation 9:1 - Book Reviews