Powerpoint Presentation 8:1
(1) compare the boldface phrases and sentences in the original excerpt with the completed precis and discuss whether you think all the main and secondary points are included.
(2) decide which words you feel from the original excerpt were kept in the precis and the reasons why.
(3) determine whether you think there is an ‘introduction’ and‘conclusion’ to the precis and the term you could use to identify the first sentence of the precis.
(4) decide what you would omit if the instructor / editor only wanted 100 words.
(i) what were the three areas of life the author felt could be controlled so as to relive stress?
(ii) What did the author feel cold be done in each of these areas to releave stress?
(iii) What was the College Readjustment Rating Scale was developed according to the author?
(iv) What were the two theories about the origin of stress noted by the author.
(v) What was the one aspect of stressful situations the author thought we could always control.
(i) which information did the author use that probably came from another source?
(ii) what words do you think are key ones in the essay?
(iii) what do you think is the authors thesis statement? Do you think it is well supported in the rest of the essay? Are there any places that need more support or somewhere something should be deleted?
(iv) What direct causes of poverty does the author mention? What indirect ones?
(v) How is the essay brought to a close? If you couldn’t see the white space at the end of the essay, would you have known it was ending?
(i) What are some of the direct causes of North Korea’s Famine?
{ii) What are some of the indirect causes?
(iii) What are some of the possible effects of the famine?