Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Class Photos Class 2

Photos for Advanced English Writing, Class 1 which runs from 10:30 am to 12:00 am Tuesday and Thursday.

Ali Cetin
Chung MiKyung
Jang DongHoon
Kim KyuRi
Kim MiSun
Kim SeoHyun
Kwon SangHoon
Lee BoMi
Lee HanWoong
Lee YoonJu
Lim YoungKyoung
Park MinKyung
Park SeHwi
Yang YuMi

Class Photos Class 1

Photos for Advanced English Writing, Class 1 which runs from 10:30 am to 12:00 am Tuesday and Thursday.

Bahk SunYoung
Bok ByungJoon
Byung UnBae
Cho HaNa
Chung JungMun
Chung Hannah
Han DongGeon
Hong SungHo
Kim Misun
Lee SeulKi
Lee YoungJoo
Nguyen T.V.
Park JaiMie
Seong EuiKyong
Soh YoungMin
Sun KyungHam
Tran T.D

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Science Article of the Week

Unemployed Scientists Prove Dog Likes Beer

The Onion

Unemployed Scientists Prove Dog Likes Beer

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ—After carefully scrutinizing the data and witnessing a replication of the experiment, researchers concluded the dog really liked beer.

Homework: Week 3: Class 2

Read the sample essay on pages 36 and 37 of the textbook.

When you have finished, sit down with your language partner or imaginary friend and fill in the chart on page 38 with information from the essay to analyze the “kernels” on which the essay is based.

(A) Qualities A Good Teacher Needs
1. ............................
2. ............................
3. ............................

(B) How Schools Can Develop These Qualities
1. ............................
2. ............................
3. ............................

(C) What The Author Can Do
1. ............................
2. ............................
4. ............................

Monday, September 24, 2007

On-Line Science Journals: Science

As I am sure you know, there are lots of science journals that publish on line in English.

One of the more famous and influential of these is the journal "Science" The academic journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, "Science" is considered to be one of the world's most prestigious scientific journals. The journal is peer-reviewed and published weekly.

While, according to Wikipedia, the major focus of the journal is publishing important original scientific research and research reviews, it also "publishes science-related news, opinions on science policy and other matters of interest to scientists and others who are concerned with the wide implications of science and technology".

Check it out here:


Powerpoint Presentation: Week 3: Class2

Find below the link the the Powerpoint Presentation for Lesson 2: Week 3.

Powerpoint Presentation 3:2

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

News Report

Study: Multiple Stab Wounds May Be Harmful To Monkeys

Homework: Week 3: Class 1

Read the extract from the article “The Right To Learn” by Linda Darling-Hammond on pages 27-29 of the textbook.

Before you read look at Photos A & B on page 26 and write down:

1: the qualities you think the employer values in these workers and,

2: the kind of classroom activities and teaching styles might produce the workers in each photograph.

After reading the article:

3: Look at paragraph 3 and list all the facts and examples the author gives.

4: How effective do you think they are in convincing the reader that this school is a good one?

Powerpoint Presentation: Week 3: Class1

Find below the link the the Powerpoint Presentation for Lesson 1: Week 3.

Powerpoint Presentation 3:1

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Science Article of the Week: Science Hard

Assignment 1: My Learning Yearning

Write an essay [maximum 500 words] in which you explain about something you yearn to learn [or have yearned to learn in the past] and the reasons why.

Use story telling to show how you decided you need to learn this thing.

You can also use conversations whenever you think you want to make an important point more memorable.

Due Date: Thursday 4th October
Fromat: Double Spaced, size 12 font.

Homework: Week 2: Class 2

Read the sample essay on pages 16 & 17 of the textbook.

After you have read the article, discuss the following questions with your language partner or imaginary friend :

1: How did the writer feel about playing the violin first? When did her feelings about playing the violin change? Does the author make it clear why she enjoys playing the violin now?

2: Are the author’s paragraphs ‘unified’? What is the topic of each?

3: Scan the story. Are the steps of it told in order?

4: Does the author use conversations? Do the conversations make the story more interesting or not? Is there another place where a conversation could have been used?

Powerpoint Presentation: Week 2: Class2

Find below the link the the Powerpoint Presentation for Lesson 2: Week 1.

Powerpoint Presentation 2:2

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Homework: Week 2: Class1

Read the extract from Patrick Chamoiseau’s book “School Days” starting on page 7 of the textbook.

After you have read the article, discuss the following questions with your language partner or imaginary friend :

1: What were some of the reasons the little boy wanted to go to school? By the end of the reading what was his main reason?

2: How would you describe the little boy’s family life? What kinds of relationships does he have with his mother, father, and brother Jojo?

3: How would you describe Chamoiseau’s style of writing? What did you like about it? What didn't you like?

Powerpoint Presentation: Week 2: Class1

Find below the link to the Powerpoint Presentation for Lesson 1: Week 2.

Powerpoint Presentation 2:1

Can you speak english?

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Powepoint Presentation: Week 1: Class 2

Find below the link to the powerpoint presentation for Week 2:Class 2.

Powerpoin Presentation 1:2

Powerpoint Presentation: Week 1: Class 1

Find below the link to the powerpoint presentation for Week 1: Class 1.

Powerpoint Presentation 1 | 1

If you have any problems downloadig the file, please ring me.

Can you speak english?